Chlorine dioxide bleaching

Chlorine dioxide is an oxidizing agent for pulp bleaching. The chemical formula of this chlorine dioxide bleach is ClO2. It is a yellowish-green gas, bad odor and liquefied in 11⁰C which is red in color. It is an ECF (elemental chlorine-free) bleaching process which is currently most important bleaching technology in worldwide, especially for sulfate pulp. It is highly soluble in water, particularly in cold water. Chlorine dioxide bleaching is used in single or multi-stages process. Unlike chlorine, it does not react with water. It remains as a dissolved gas in water. It selectively attacks the phenolic groups of lignin without degrading cellulose fiber, allowing for increased yield and higher strength bleached pulp. For this property (selectivity), normally it is used in later bleaching stages when the lignin content is lower.

Commercially, it is first started in Sweden in 1946 for pulp bleaching. After 1950 it becomes a well established as bleaching agent for kraft pulp.
Chlorine dioxide bleaching
Effect of pH
The pH is a significant factor for chlorine dioxide bleaching. At high pH, it is less corrosive and rapidly reacts. A fraction of chlorine dioxide is converted to chlorite, chlorate or chloride. The overall reaction mechanisms are quite complex. The formation of chlorite increases with increasing of pH value whereas the formation of chlorate increases with decreasing the pH value, and the chloride ion is increased at a pH value below 3.4. The chlorite (ClO2) exists as inert at above the ph 7. On the other hand this compound is very active below pH 7. However, the most efficient bleaching and maximum brightness are obtained in the first ClO2 stage (D0) at a pH level of about 3.5 – 4.0 while it is obtained in the second ClO2 stage (D1) at pH of 5.5 to 6. Normally, the pH varies from 7 to 3.5. So, less chlorine dioxide bleach is required for low pH than for high pH bleaching, but the temperature and retention time should be increased to speed up the reaction rate. At a lower pH (below 3.0) ClO2 can produced organic chlorine compounds which is not environment friendly.

It is possible to take advantage of the chlorite with maintaining a rapid rate of bleaching by keeping the pH level high at starting position and then lower. Corrosion is kept under control by using tile lined or acid proof brick towers and plastic-lined or ceramic pipe.

The residual ClO2 can create toxic fumes and corrosion at subsequent washing step. Therefore, SO2 or NaOH is used at the bottom of the tower to neutralizing it so that can be reduced corrosion and eliminated toxic fumes.

2ClO2 + 2NaOH → NaClO2 + NaClO3 + H2O

Retention time
The retention time may be as short as 15 to 60 minutes to complete the chlorine dioxide bleaching reactions. The average time maintains about two hours but some cases as much as 3 to 5 hours are allowed. The retention time over 3 hours may affect on the fiber. To control retention time some bleaching plants construct an up-flow tower followed by a bigger down-flow tower. Although some bleaching plants are carried out either up-flow or down-flow tower.

Effect of temperature
During the chlorine dioxide bleaching, generally, the temperature is maintained from 50 to 80⁰C. High temperatures can increases the reaction rate but above 80⁰C the strength of the fiber may be affected. The optimum temperature of this bleaching agent is 70-75⁰C.

Effect of consistency
The consistency of the pulp is very little effects on the reaction rate during chlorine dioxide bleaching. It is better to keep the stock consistency from 10 to 14%. High consistency increases the effectiveness of the bleaching. It reduces the consumption of the bleach, steam and the size of the towers. The ratio of the chlorine dioxide beach to pulp is not very important, except that above 0.6% on the pulp weight the brightness may be reduced slightly. The amount of ClO2 added to the pulp depends on the final brightness desired. Commercial, the amount of chlorine dioxide bleach usually consumed from 0.4 to 0.6 % for kraft pulps and 0.3 to 0.4 % for sulfite pulps.

Chlorine dioxide is an ECF bleaching agent, which is used instead of elemental chlorine. The elemental chlorine bleaching has large environmental and health issues. It produces many toxic compounds as like organochlorine compounds, dioxins and furans, but the chlorine dioxide bleaching agent does not produce this chemicals. It is five to 10 times more soluble in water than chlorine.

Chlorine dioxide bleach is highly selective. It reacts rapidly with lignin without affect on cellulose fiber. It oxidizes, brighten and solubilize the lignin. Therefore the fiber achieve high brightness without pulp degradation; so, more strength, and more yield %.

The oxidizing power of ClO2 is two and a half times more than the oxidizing power of Cl2 on a mole per mole basis.
ClO2 + 2.5 H2 → HCl + H2O

The bleached pulps that are manufactured with using Chlorine dioxide bleach shows less tendency to revert in color than hypochlorite bleach.

Chlorine dioxide bleaching agent is a very unstable compound, it is considered extremely toxic and explosive to handle and transport. At high concentration it is spontaneous explosive. Moreover, it is exploded by uv light, contact with mercury and organic matter, or by electric spark. Thus it is always produced on the plant site where it is used so that it could be applied immediatately after generation. It is expensive compare to calcium hypochlorite. To eliminate explosion, the chlorine dioxide bleach should protect from uv light, keep lower concentration, uncontaminated and cool. Moreover, to reduce consumption pH would to be controlled carefully.

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Hypochlorite bleaching

Hypochlorite bleach is an oxidizing agent. There are two types of hypochlorite bleaching agent that are used in pulp and paper industries such as calcium hypochlorite and sodium hypochlorite. Generally, this stage is placed after chlorination and alkali extraction stages. It can be single stage or multiple stage process. Single stage hypochlorite bleaching process is one of the oldest bleaching processes. This bleaching agent oxidized some chromophoric groups of the lignin and decolorized it. Moreover, it solubilized the natural dyes, lignin and other impurities in the fiber. It is non selective type bleaching agent. It attacks not only the lignin but also cellulose, particularly if the reaction is not controlled properly. Calcium hypochlorite bleach is used in paper industry greatly compare to sodium hypochlorite. Possibly the following reactions are occurred in this stage.
hypochlorite bleaching reactions
In 1880, hypochlorites are started using as a bleaching agent of wood pulp. Although several alternatives are originated that are environment friendly. They led to decreases the uses of it but still huge amount of hypochlorite bleach are used in many paper industries. Even, in United States and Canada due to cost effective, easy to make and uses. This bleach chemical is also used to remove of ink from recycled paper.

Table of Contents:

Factors for hypochlorite bleaching

The bleaching capacity is depends on some factor such as pH, temperature, retention time, consistency, nature of the pulp, chemical application etc.

Effect of pH
The hypochlorite bleaching action is greatly affected by the pH value. If the pH value becomes below 2 then Cl2 is the active ingredient, but at 4 to 7.5 the active ingredient is HOCl. Conversely at pH value over 8.5 the OCl  is the dominant species.

Consequently it is better to keep the pH between 9 to 11 at starting stage. The pH value up to 8 affects on the cellulose and degrades the fiber for the activities of the hypochlorous acid. During bleaching processes organic acid and carbon dioxide are formed. Therefore the pH value is decreasing. At the end point, it may below 7. This changing pH also causes the degradation of cellulose and fragile the fiber. It is also increases the consumption of bleach. To avoid this undesirable effect, it is recommended that use excess of alkali to neutralize the acid and CO2 formed during this bleaching stage. On the other hand too much higher pH value at starting stage can severely hindered the initial reaction rate.

Retention time
Retention time is an important factor for hypochlorite bleaching. The ideal condition for this stage is 1- 4 hours. Most of the bleaching plant maintains from 1 to 2 hours. Shorter time affects on the bleaching action while longer time may degrade the fiber. Over bleaching is always serious loss of strength.

Effect of temperature
Temperature is another important factor for this stage. The rate of hypochlorite bleach consumption will increase if you would not properly control the temperature. High temperature degrades the cellulose fiber but speed up the reaction and decreases the consumption. The optimum temperature depends upon several factors such as pulp consistency, pH and bleach ratio. Generally, it is better to keep 35-45 ⁰C, although the pulp properties are affected very little by the temperatures up to 60 ⁰C. It is better to heat the stock before the beach added. We should remember that the bleaching reaction is an exothermic reaction.

Effect of consistency
Higher consistency of stock increases the hypochlorite bleaching speed, increase production, reduce floor spaces, retention time, steam and bleach consumption. On the other hand, lower consistency increases retention time, steam and bleach consumption. Consequently, it is better to avoid lower consistency. The recommended consistency is from 10 to 15% for a continuous process.  In case of high consistency agitator are desirable to break up fiber bundles and uniform mixing. But too much agitation may damage the fiber.

Nature of the pulp
Nature of the pulps is also responsible for hypochlorite bleaching capacity. Softwood pulps are relatively hard to bleach with hypochlorite compare to hardwood. Cooking process is another factor for pulp bleaching. In Sulfite pulping process the lignin residues are partly sulfonated and easily solubilized. Whereas, in kraft pulping process, lignin percentages are more and it is relatively less reactive, more condensed, and less reachable. Therefore Sulfite pulps are easier to bleach than sulfate pulps. Fresh kraft pulps are also readily bleaching compare to older kraft pulps.

Hypochlorite bleach is not an environment friendly bleaching agent. Chloroform is produced in this stage which is released into environment. The specific reactions and conditions of chloroform formation are not established yet. Dichlorides and ethers are the main by-products in this reaction. Besides chloroform creation, the other significant weakness of this hypochlorite bleaching agent is that it greatly degrades the cellulose fiber.

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Alkaline extraction stage for pulp bleaching

Alkaline extraction stage is essential after chlorination bleaching stage is to remove chlorinated and oxidizing lignin products from the pulp. It is also help to reactivate the remaining lignin for the next oxidation stage. All the chlorinated lignins are not soluble in the water. About 40-42% of them are soluble in water and wash out. Consequently, the rest of the chlorinated lignin products are not possible to remove. The rest insoluble parts of the products dissolve fairly readily in weak caustic soda solution under a certain condition. The required amount of caustic is directly related to the chlorine usage in earlier stage. Normally, it may be two-third of the chlorine usage. In this stage many modern bleaching plant add oxygen and hydrogen peroxide with caustic soda to get better result. The condition of oxygen and hydrogen peroxide usage are almost same as like as the condition of alkaline extraction. This stage is designated as E.

After chlorination bleaching stage a thorough wash is given to remove acidic and water soluble products. Otherwise the caustic uses will increase to neutralize the acidic products. Then, the alkaline extraction is carried through as an independent stage. Reaction time, consistency, temperature and amount of caustic applied depend on the quality of pulp required. The application of caustic should be uniformed so that it works well. It is better to use with a shower pipe. Additional caustic dosage can increase the effectiveness but it will also raise the overall bleaching expenses. On the other hand low dosage may affect on the solubilization. So pH maintain is very significant.

In alkaline extraction stage the sodium hydroxide is added to the pulp at medium consistency, about 10-15%. The sodium hydroxide is added such an amount so that the final pH of the stock should be 10.5 to 11. The temperatures are maintained from 60⁰C to 80⁰C and the reaction time is 30 to 60 minutes. Some cases the reaction time reach up to 2 hours. If all the condition cannot maintain properly, then the solubilization may be incomplete.

Second alkaline extraction
Many bleaching plant carried second alkaline extraction. This stage is set out after the first hypochlorite or chlorine dioxide stage. After this stage a great amount of oxidized lignin may remains in the partial bleach pulp. About 50% reaction products of the first hypochlorite stage are water soluble. The rest are soluble in weak caustic and remove from the pulp. The solubility of the oxidized lignin can increase by alternating acid and alkaline bleaching action.
Oxygen reinforced alkaline extraction
Oxygen reinforced alkaline extraction
Currently, it is almost common practice adding oxygen and hydrogen peroxide to the pulp in Alkaline Extraction. The oxygen selectively reacts with remaining lignin and reducing the consumption of subsequent stage bleaching chemicals such as chlorine dioxide. A small amount of oxygen, about 10 lb per ton of pulp is sufficient for the action. The oxygen reinforced alkaline extraction stage is designated as EO whereas addition of peroxide for further reinforcement stage is designated as EOP. To create a pressure, normally a bleaching plant installs an upflow tower followed by a downflow tower.

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Christmas tissue paper

Christmas tissue paper is a special type or non-especial type tissue paper. During Christmas many people decorate their house. For decoration tissue paper can be used and makes the holidays bright. For this purposes a special type tissue paper are produced. These may be colors such as blue, light blue, green, light green, pink, purple, light yellow. It may also be different patterns, decorations, and texture. Presently, patterned tissue paper is more acceptable in USA than the colored. Tissue paper can be great focus material for your Christmas. All type of tissue paper such as paper towels, facial tissue, toilet tissue can be found as different patterned for using Christmas time. The pattern may be snowflake, Santa, Christmas tree etc.

If you’re hosting a Christmas party or Santa party, these Christmas tissue paper can help you decorate greatly. You can decorate your room, bathroom for your guest; they will love it. Moreover you can decorate bags, wrapping a beautiful package, lining gift boxes or line baskets with the Christmas tissue paper. It always looks great. Most Christmas tissue paper is now made 100% recycled fiber. It is sold in single sheets or higher numbers of sheets.

Some special types Christmas tissue paper are described in below:

Christmas Tissue Paper in Fun Designs (Christmas Cheer Set)
Christmas tissue paper
Christmas Tissue Paper in Fun Designs (Christmas Cheer Set)

  • Each pack of This Christmas tissue paper contains 6 designs; 3 printed designs and 3 solid colors. The 3 printed designs are Gold Metallic Filigree Xmas Trees, Red Typeface and Metallic Red Stripes whereas 3 solid colors are Green, Red and White.
  • Each design contains 10 sheets, so each pack contains 60 Sheets.
  • Each sheet measures 20 x 30 inches folded
  • This gives you an unusual feel to your entire holiday gift wrapping including Christmas.

Miles Kimball Christmas Tissue Paper
tissue paper christmas decorations
Miles Kimball Christmas Tissue Paper

  • Each pack included 44 for sheets. Among them 28 are white, 8 are seasonal colored designs, four are solid green and four are solid red.
  • Each sheet measures 20 x 30 inches folded
  • Great for Wrap Christmas packages, line baskets

Christmas tissue paper facial

Christmas tissue paper facial

Ideal Home Range Pocket Tissues, Christmas Cats, 15 Count

  • This pocket Christmas tissue paper is soft and strong.
  • This is 4-Ply tissues and Includes 15 packages. Each package contains 10 tissues.
  • Printed in Germany and printing materials are non toxic.
  • Appropriate sizes for pocket, purse, and gym bag
  • Dimensions: 10 x 4 x 3 inches

Christmas Toilet Paper

Christmas Toilet Paper santa
yazi Santa Claus Christmas Toilet Paper Roll New Year Gift Party Living Room Decoration

  • This Christmas Toilet Paper is two layers. The upper layer is printed pattern whereas the second layer is white paper.
  • Made of native wood pulp
  • Biodegradable and using non-toxic or non fluorescent agent
  • Higher water absorption
  • Roll Size: approx. 0.1x30M and Sheet Size: approx. 10x10cm
  • Package Included: One Roll Paper
  • Santa Claus design

Entertaining with Caspari Guest Towels, Santa, Pack of 15

Christmas paper towels santa
Entertaining with Caspari Guest Towels, Santa, Pack of 15

  • This paper towels can be used as guest towels, guest bathroom towels, buffet napkins.
  • Suitable for Santa party and Unique decorations
  • Biodegradable and made using recycles fiber.
  • Printed in Germany and printing materials are water soluble and non-toxic.
  • Made of 3-ply
  • Soft, strong and higher water absorption
  • Each folded towel measures 4-1/4-Inch by 8-Inch.
  • Disposable tableware makes after party clean up easy

Snowflake tissue paper

FR White Tissue Snowflakes Party Accessory (1 count) (25/Pkg)
This snowflake tissue paper is high quality. It is perfect for Christmas, winter or frozen party or any other festive occasions. Flame Resistant. eye-catching decorations. can be hung from virtually any surface. You can further coloring it by marker with very gentle. But it is not good idea to use crayon or colored pencil as it is thin tissue paper.Although they are thin, but they perform perfectly.are they glittery u could add glitter.
snowflake tissue paper
FR White Tissue Snowflakes Party Accessory (1 count) (25/Pkg)

  • The price is a great
  • 25 pieces Per package
  • Dimensions: 8.2 x 6 x 0.2 inches

Pkgd Dip-Dyed Snowflakes Party Accessory (1 count) (2/Pkg)
This Snowflake tissue paper is high quality and very decorative for Christmas, winter or frozen party or any other festive occasions. It is comes with folded style and can be easily open to hang. It is also strong enough to reuse and can be fold back for easy storage. Moreover, it is made out of white tissue and variation with light blue. These are so gorgeous snowflakes that everyone will love to see!
Christmas tissue paper snowflakes
Pkgd Dip-Dyed Snowflakes Party Accessory (1 count) (2/Pkg)

  • The price is a great
  • Per package contains 2 pieces
  • Dimensions: 9.8 x 6 x 0.4 inches
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Best Halloween Tissue Paper

Halloween tissue paper crafts are fast, fun and reasonably priced. Tissue paper is produced in different colored, patterns, decorations, and textures. The various available colors of tissue papers are pink, green, light green, blue, light blue, purple, light yellow etc. This color tissue paper is used for Halloween decorations. It is easy to use, economical and found almost everywhere. Nowadays, in the United States, patterned tissue paper is more preferable than the colored one. Tissue paper is a great focus material for children’s crafts. People are used it for making ghosts, pumpkins, bats, Skeleton, owls and other projects.

If you’re hosting a Halloween party, you are trying to decorate such a way so that it looks great. If you desire some extra Halloween decor then this Halloween tissue paper is greatly loved by you. Without Halloween party these type of colored and patterned tissue paper can be used in parties, birthday parties, or any other special occasion.

Lot 120 sheets Halloween Tissue Paper White with Pumpkins Candy Corn 19-3/4″ x 26″
Halloween tissue paper
Lot 120 sheets Halloween Tissue Paper White with Pumpkins Candy Corn 19-3/4″ x 26″

  • This tissue paper is made by Hallmark USA.
  • The pattern is looking great.
  • 20 bags candy corn tissue paper.
  • Each bag contains 5 sheets

Hallmark Halloween Tissue Paper, BATS
Hallmark Halloween Tissue Paper
Hallmark Halloween Tissue Paper, BATS

  • This is another best Halloween Tissue Paper which is made by hallmark.
  • Sealed package featuring bats.
  • Each 19 3/4″ x 2 1/6 ft. contains 6 sheets

3pcs 10-feet Long Halloween Spooky Night Ghost Spider Pumpkin Witch Tissue Paper Chain Garland Halloween Home Patio Gardon Decor (Witch / Ghost / Pumpkin)
Halloween tissue paper Pumpkin
3pcs 10-feet Long Halloween Spooky Night Ghost Spider Pumpkin Witch Tissue Paper Chain Garland Halloween Home Patio Gardon Decor (Witch / Ghost / Pumpkin)

  • designed for Halloween support
  • Each package contains 3pcs
  • This tissue is also appropriate for bars, disco, party

Beistle Tissue Fan, 25-Inch
Beistle Tissue fan
Beistle Tissue Fan, 25-Inch

  • Per package 1 piece
  • Hanging item for Halloween party
  • Excellent Quality
  • 25 inch orange and black combination fan

Hallmark (20 count package) Beverage Size Cocktail Napkins ~ Green Halloween Skulls
Cocktail Napkins
Hallmark (20 count package) Beverage Size Cocktail Napkins ~ Green Halloween Skulls

  • Per box contains 20 sheets cocktail size napkins
  • Each sheet has 3 ply – so better absorption
  • Lime green with a skull design
  • Absolutely scary Halloween paper napkin

Osung SCT115 Tissue Scissor, Straight, 4 3/4″, SCT-01
Tissue Scissor
Osung SCT115 Tissue Scissor, Straight, 4 3/4″, SCT-01

  • The tissue scissor is manufacturing by following such a meticulous process for getting accuracy, maximum hardness, minimum wear and tear.
  • The cutting edges are grinding precisely for best sharpness and it will last a long time after repeated uses and sterilizations.
  • The tissue scissor is prepared with GERMAN medical grade stainless steel
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Tissue paper

Tissue paper is soft, feathery, lightweight, highly absorbent, tear resistant, disposable and relatively strong paper products. The tissue paper name originates from the French word “tissue”, which meaning cloth. Because of the tissue paper is as soft as cloth. It has become an important part in our daily life. Uses of this type of paper are increasing rapidly in worldwide. Overall, a person who lives in a developing country uses some kilograms of tissue paper per year. The people of North American use highest amount of tissue paper; per person about 25 kg per year.

As like other paper products cellulose fibers is the main source of tissue paper. The fiber may be 100% virgin or 100% recycle or mixed. 100% recycled fibers are used due to environmental responsible. The main source of recycle fiber is office paper collection programs. The virgin fiber is mostly kraft fiber which is produced from soft or hard wood. High quality tissue paper is made from virgin grade of wood pulp.

Table of Contents:

Types of tissue paper

There are different types of tissue paper such as toilet paper, paper towels, facial tissues, diapers, industrial wipe, table napkins etc. It may be different color, decorations, textures, patterns, perfumed or moistened.

Toilet Tissue
Toilet Tissue is the most purchased tissue product by consumers. The majority of us can’t think living lack of toilet paper. The quality of this tissue paper can be determined by the number of plies, durability, coarseness and fiber quality. Typically it is the lowest grade of paper. It may be rippled, perfumes, colored or patterned, medicated or treated with aloe or other perfumes. These papers not only for bathroom, it is also useful for nose care, removing makeup, wiping up spills.
Toilet tissue paper
Quilted Northern Ultra Plush Bath Tissue, 48 Double Rolls

Paper towels
According to consuming, paper towels are the second largest tissue product. It is durable among the tissue paper. The Strength of paper towels depends on fiber quality, wet end chemicals and other reasons. Although it is from one up to four plies but generally it is two-ply. The basis weight of this kind of tissue paper is about 20 to 24 g/m2.

best paper towels
Sparkle Paper Towels, 24 Giant Rolls, Pick-A-Size, White

Facial tissue
Facial tissues are sort of thin, soft, absorbent, smooth and disposable paper which is used for cleaning face. It is also known as paper handkerchiefs or wipes and generally sold in boxes. One of importance uses of facial tissue is reducing the spread of an infection or diseases as like swine flu.
Facial tissue paper
Kleenex Facial Tissues Family Size, 210 Count (Pack of 18), packaging may vary

Table napkins
Table napkins are other kinds of tissue paper that are used in dining tables. These are offered from one up to four plies and in different colors, patterns, folds and sizes.
Table napkins
Bounty Paper Napkins, White, 400 Count

Wrapping tissue
Wrapping tissue is a kind of thin, translucent tissue paper that is largely used for wrapping different sensible goods such as glass, ceramic. Moreover it is also used for wrapping clothes or gift presentation.

Properties of tissue paper
Absorbency and softness are the key properties of tissue paper. These properties are mostly affected by the porosity, creping (surface property) and furnish composition of the paper. Porosity is inversely proportion to density. So low sheet density is highly porosity which is helpful to gain elevated absorbency and softness. The other properties are wood species, pulping processes, stiffness, bulkiness, additives, wet strength, basis weight, thickness etc. For instance, special grades of mechanical pulp can create highly porous tissue paper as compared to chemical pulps. Nano-cellulose can improve absorbency and strength of it.

Among these two properties absorption is more significant. It is directly connected to the softness, creping and bulkiness. The molecule of cellulose contains hydroxyl groups which permit it to form hydrogen bonds with water. This is the main reason why paper absorbs water. Moreover there are many microscopic spaces among the cellulose fibers where water can soak up.

After absorption, softness is the most significant properties of tissue paper. Softness can be improved by reducing the refining of tissue furnished. Wet end starch as like amphoteric waxy maize starch can reduce the refining. Softness is a combination of surface smoothness, bulk and a short of stiffness. The best softness paper is the one that has a high wave creping with a high frequency.

Bulk can be increased by the appropriate composition of fibers and help of creping. Creping also increase the surface area and increase the absorption.

Is tissue paper biodegradable: Generally, the source of tissue paper is different wood species, which is biodegradable. It can be broken down by the action of microorganisms like bacteria.

Bounty Select-A-Size Paper Towels, Huge Rolls, White, 12 Count

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Chlorination bleaching process

Chlorination bleaching is the second stage of the pulp bleaching process. It is the cheapest bleaching agent for eliminating lignin. Elemental chlorine (EC) reacts selectively with the non carbohydrate compounds. It is another significant delignification process. It ruptures the lignin bonds and make important amount of chlorinated organic compounds. All most all the products of chlorination stage are soluble in water or in alkaline solution. The pulp chlorination bleaching process is not environmental friendly; it produces many toxic compounds as like organic halide compounds. Hence many of the industry are not use this elemental chlorine. Moreover, a lot of industries are used modified chlorination for many years. The vital function of the chlorination bleaching is to change the lignin residues remaining in the pulp into an alkaline soluble structure to remove.

Table of Contents:

The important variables of chlorination bleaching process are permanganate number, method of pulping, viscosity, Time of chlorination, pH value, Consistency, temperature, available chlorine, degree of mixing, stock color etc.

Condition for chlorination bleaching process
As like others bleaching stages, chlorination bleaching process is not required medium or high consistency. Although upper consistencies accelerate the reactions but create mechanical difficulties. It is required low consistency and better to keep 2-4%. It helps to mixing the gaseous chlorine with the pulp stock properly. The stock is dilute through the filtrate of same stage or fresh water. It does not also require elevated temperatures and frequently maintained between 20 and 30⁰C, whereas some paper mills operate up to 60 ⁰C. It is better to keep the retention time between 30 and 90 minutes and pH value around 2. Sufficient amount of chlorine ought to be applied into the system to get better results.

Application of chlorine
Chlorine can be applied into the pulp by two ways; directly as chlorine gas or as a chlorine water solution. Since the gaseous chlorine is easy to control and can be managed accurately, therefore it is more popular. Elemental Chlorine is not well soluble into the water at normal temperature. On the other hand, it is rapidly absorbed in the presence of pulp. Dry chlorine is not corrosive to iron but hydrous chlorine is corrosive to iron.

Chlorination bleaching reactions

pH is very significant for chlorination bleaching process. Normally, the pH value of the chlorine-water system is about 2; in presence of pulp this pH becomes lower due to HCl production. Moreover it is further lower for using chlorination effluent. Chlorine and hypochlorous acid are more active bleaching agents than hypochlorite ion. The pH determines that which compound is dominant in the chlorine-water system. The reactions of chlorination bleaching process can be classified into substitution and oxidation reactions.

In acidic medium, Elemental chlorine shows electrophilic substitution reactions and reacts selectively with the non carbohydrate compounds like lignin. Chlorine replaces hydrogen of non carbohydrate compounds and produces organic halide compounds and hydrochloric acid.
RH + Cl2 → RCl +HCl

This reaction is the desired reaction. About 50% of the applied chlorine reacts by substitution. These substitution reactions are extremely effective for eliminate lignin, although it produces polychlorinated aromatics and dibenzofurans.
The equilibrium condition for acidic condition is:

pulp chlorination bleaching
At very low pH value as low as 1.0, the reactions not selective. In this condition hypochlorous acid (HOCl) can attack the cellulose.

Almost neutral condition or alkaline condition, the oxidation reaction is dominant. These reactions are not selective. While this reaction can help eliminate lignin but it also degrades the polysaccharides, which is not desired. In this case, the elemental oxygen is produced and reacts with the pulp and lignin. This reaction also helps to stay acidic to support substitution.
H2O + Cl2 → [O] + 2HCl

The equilibrium condition for base condition is:
pulp bleaching
Without these two types of reactions, another possible reaction is addition, which is little part. In addition reaction, Chlorine reacts with the double bonds of lignin and generates dichlorinated compounds. These products are stable in successive alkali washing.

Environmental problem
Polychlorinated dioxins and dibenzofurans are found in effluents of chlorination bleaching process. These are highly toxic and carcinogens chemicals. Without dioxans and furans the others problematic chemicals that are produce in this process are organic halides or AOX. Therefore many industries are moving away from using this elemental chorine; they started to use ECF or TCF such as oxygen, peroxide, chlorine dioxide, ozone bleaching process.

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Guidelines to choosing best paper towels

There are different types of paper such as Printing and Writing Papers, Tissue, Newsprint, Containerboard, Kraft Paper, and Paperboard. Paper towels are under category of tissue paper. After toilet paper, it is the most purchased tissue product by consumers. The basic raw material of paper towels is wood fiber. The fiber may be virgin or recycled waste paper or combination of them. You can choose your best paper towels by considering some physical properties.

Table of Contents:

History of paper towels
Two very common questions, who invented paper towels? When was paper towels invented? It was invented by accident.

Long story short, in 1907, seasonal disease cold and flu spread as an epidemic throughout the Philadelphia. A school teacher of Philadelphia thinks about how to protect her student from this. Her observation common cloth towels in washrooms were one of the problems, so she wanted to change it. She was cutting out a notebook paper into some small square pieces which is made up of soft paper and distributing it among her students to use in the public washrooms instead of cloth towels. Moreover, she also advice to them disposed the soft paper after using one time.

Scott Shop Towels Pack of 2.

Arthur Scott of the Scott Paper Company was convinced with this idea; therefore he thought that unnecessary paper can be used as same purpose. He made fist paper towels as a solution of his rejected cartload toilet paper. He cut it and designed them into towel-sized sheets. Afterward he sold it to hotels and restaurants for use in public washrooms under the product name of “Sani-Towels” by highlighting hygienic qualities.

Properties for best paper towels

To choose best paper towels some physical properties are very important such as strength, scrub strength, absorbency, weight, softer, water filtering capacity and thickness. Among them absorbency property is the most significant. Besides physical properties cost and number of layers are others factor for choosing best paper towels.

Paper towel absorbency
As like other papers cellulose fibers is the main source of the Paper towels. The molecule of cellulose is polymer compound and made up of glucose molecule (monomer unit). The cotton, wood and other plants are the sources of the cellulose. As the wet paper product hold two types of water; internal and external water. Therefore, the paper towels absorb water in two methods. Firstly cellulose can soak up lot of water molecule though the bonding this is the internal water. Secondly, there are many microscopic spaces among the cellulose fibers where water can soak up; it is the external water.

Strength of paper towels
The Strength of paper towels depends on fiber quality, resin and more others factor. In this case virgin fiber is better than recycle fiber. A special type resin is used to increase the strength of paper towels. You can check strength in many ways; scrub strength can be checked by rubbing, after how many times it breaks.

Softer paper towels have larger holes and pockets, so greater capillarity. Therefore they can hold more water than harder one.

Layer is another important criteria for choosing best paper towels. Generally, multiple layers of paper towels absorb more water than single layer of paper towels because multiple layers have more space for holding more water. Similarly three or more layers are better than two layers. Lightweight paper towels also absorb more water than heavy weight paper towels.

How to use a paper towel
Paper towels are one kind of tissue paper that is used in more often in kitchen, washrooms, toilet, and even when we are down with a cold. They are used to clean dirt, grime, oil and stains from elsewhere, Wiping the hands dry, Wiping babies’ bottoms, cleaning kitchen counter-tops, cleaning and wiping spills, and any others absorbing purposes. We can’t imagine our modern life without paper towels.

According to survey on consumer of paper towels in America about two third usages in household purpose whereas one third in commercial purposes. Uses of paper towels are a rising global product; especially extremely large in the USA. Presently, it is nearly 24 kg per capita in USA which is 50% higher than in Europe.
best paper towels
Sparkle Paper Towels, 24 Giant Rolls, Pick-A-Size, White

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Oxygen delignification process

Oxygen Delignification is one of the most significant and well proven pulp bleaching process for ECF (elemental chlorine free) and TCF (total chlorine free) bleached pulp production. It is the first stage of the bleaching process; in this case oxygen and alkali are used to eliminate a portion of the residual lignin in the pulp after cooking. This stage is frequently recognized as a “bridging step” between cooking and final bleaching. This process is work at high temperature and pressure. The process may be operating at medium consistency or high consistency; but medium consistency system is mostly used due to easy maintaining. It can be single or multiple stages. This bleaching process is environmental friendly and cost effective.

With a single Oxygen Delignification stage, it can be reduced about 30-50% lignin and colored substances from unbleached pulp. Whereas with the external stage, it can be reduced about 60 -70%. After oxygen bleaching the lignin content may reduce to about 1.5-2% from 3-5% or kappa number 8-10.

Condition for oxygen delignification
Pulp consistency 10 – 15%
Retention time: 50 – 60 min
Temperature: 80 – 120 °C
Pressure: 600 – 800 kPa (or 6 – 8 bar)
Alkali: 20 – 25 kg/ton
pH value: above 10
Oxygen consumption: 20 – 25 kg/ton
MgSO4: 1 – 3 kg/ton

Temperatures and pressures
Oxygen is a low reactive oxidant. Therefore, oxygen delignification requires elevated temperatures from 80°C to 120°C and pressures from 6 to 8 bars for increase reactions rate. However, an unacceptable degradation of carbohydrates is shown in case of high temperature above 120°C.

NaOH and pH
Amount of NaOH and pH value is very significant for oxygen delignification. The pH value should be above 10, it is better keeping around 12 for effectiveness. If the oxygen gas bubbles are not well distributed, it may hamper on effectiveness. On the other hand, high alkali charges arises loss of yield and pulp strength.

Function of MgSO4
The transition metals, such as Mn, Cu and Fe may contain in pulp and can work as catalysts for peroxide decomposition. To reduce this negative effect MgSO4 is used. Moreover, it is used as a viscosity protector because of oxygen delignification can reduce the pulp viscosity.

Advantages of oxygen delignification

Environmental friendly
Oxygen Delignification process is environmental friendly process which is helping to reduce the uses of chlorinated chemicals in next steps. These chlorinated chemicals are produced some organic halide compound which is very poisonous for our health. The other environmental benefits are lower BOD, COD and fewer colors in effluent, as all the effluent from the oxygen bleaching system is recycled back to the recovery boiler.

Cost effective
Oxygen Delignification significantly reduced the consumption of bleaching chemicals (such as chlorine gas, chlorine dioxide, ozone, hydrogen peroxide) of next stages. Although the installation cost of oxygen bleaching plant is expensive, but the overall oxygen production cost is extremely minimal.

All the effluent containing spent chemicals and reaction products from the oxygen bleaching process is recycled back to the recovery boiler. Whereas without this stage all the effluent would go to wastewater treatment plant due to presence of corrosive chlorinated compounds, which might be harmful for recovery boiler. Hence, it reduced chemical consumption cost.

By optimizing the cooking kappa number in cooperation with the oxygen delignification, it can enhance pulp yield percentage and maintained pulp strength. After this stage there are lower shives and extractives content.

Disadvantages of Oxygen Delignification
Oxygen bleaching process is less selective compared to others bleaching agent, as the process undergoes with the free radical reactions system. This can lead to significant degradation of polysaccharides (by hydroxyl radicals); consequent of carbohydrate reactions the viscosity of pulp and fiber strength could reduce. It is a drawback of oxygen bleaching.

Another significant disadvantage of Oxygen delignification is that it is weak reactive oxidant. Therefore, it required alkaline conditions, high temperature and pressure to obtain a reasonable reaction rate. Raising the alkali charge also creates a negative effect.

Moreover, primary high installation cost of oxygen delignification is another drawback.

Lignin Reactions during oxygen bleaching
At lowest energy state Oxygen molecule contains two unpaired electrons; each of these electrons has an affinity to opposite spin of other electrons. Therefore it can act as a free radical. Although at normal temperature it will un-reactive, but at higher temperatures and alkaline condition it has a strong tendency to react with organic compounds.

At initiated state phenolic hydroxyl group in lignin reacts with alkali to generate a phenolate ion. The phenolate ion then reacts with oxygen to form a resonance-stabilized phenoxy radical and a superoxide anion.
oxygen delignification
Then the phenoxy radical undergo reaction with themselves or with oxygen species radicals for example hydroxyl (HO•), hydroperoxy (HOO•) and superoxide (O2) and produce different organic acids, carbon dioxide and other lower molecular mass organic compounds through side chain elimination, ring opening and demethoxylation reactions.

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The chemical reactions in Kraft pulping process

Kraft pulping process is the most used pulping process in the world. In this process lignin goes into the reactions with the cooking liquor chemicals and split into fragment. These fragments dissolved with the solution and wood disintegrates into fiber. During the kraft pulping process about 80 percent of lignin, 50 percent of hemicelluloses and 10 percent of celluloses are dissolved.

In Kraft pulping process, cooking liquor chemicals are NaOH and Na2S. Although the high percentages of sodium sulfide darken the pulp color but it has huge benefits; it increase penetration of the wood, uniform cooking, low cooking time, high yield and strength. The Na2S hydrolyzed in presence of water and gives hydroxide and hydrosulfide. The reaction is reversible and can be described as below:


In kraft pulping process NaOH is the key chemicals for completed the cooking process. Temperature also plays a significant rule. The main chemical reactions in the kraft cooking process can be expressed as:
NaOH + NaSH + Wood → Na-compound + S-compound

Here the wood represents various organic compounds as like: Cellulose, Hemi-cellulose, Lignin, fats, and Resins.
The average wood chemical compositions are:

Cellulose: 40-45 %
Lignin 18-32 %
Rest are Hemicelluloses, fat, Resins

After the karft cooking process the chemical composition of the pulp are:
Cellulose: 70-75 %
Lignin 2-5 %
Rest are Hemicelluloses and others organic compounds.

At first step of the karft pulping process the white liquor penetration and diffusion into the interior of the wood chip.

When the wood chips are heated the delignification reactions starts, but the reaction rate is very slow. The specific kraft cooking temperature is generally 135-175°C in which the lignin structure and others organic compounds are broken down into small fragments and solubilized into the alkaline solution.

During the cooking process, mainly the alkali is consumed by five different ways: (1) reaction with lignin, (2) Neutralization of different organic acids (original wood acids or produced by hydrolysis) (3) reaction with resins in the wood (4) dissolution of carbohydrates and (5) adsorption by the fibers. About 60-70% of alkali is consumed by neutralizing of the organic acids; whereas about 20-30% of alkali is consumed by the degradation products of lignin.

Reactions with lignin
Lignin is chemically split into fragment by hydroxyl (OH and hydrosulfide (SH) ions. If the percentages of Na2S are low then the fragmentation process can be proceed through condensation reactions, either with themselves or undissolved lignin or carbohydrates; which is very difficult to remove.
By blocking the reactive groups as like hydroxyl in benzyl alcohols or alkyl ether groups hydrosulfide ion reduce the condensation reactions (sulfur combine with reacting groups and produce thiolignin). This compound easily goes into alkaline solution and removed.
The sulphide promotes and accelerates the cleavage of the ether links in phenolic units. In alkaline conditions the carbon-carbon bond is more stable than the oxygen-carbon bonds, hence the cleavage of oxygen-carbon bonds are the most significant reaction in the cooking process. Through this reaction phenolic hydroxyl groups and carboxylic compound are produced from the cleavage of the aryl-alkyl-ether and dissolved as phenolate and carboxylate ions.

In presence of alkali, the carbohydrates (cellulose and hemicellulose) are degraded and huge amount of cooking liqor is consumed. Hemicelluloses are a polysacchrrinic compounds including galactoglucomannan, arabinoglucoronxylan, arabinos, arabinogalactane, xylan, glucoronxylan, glucomannan, glucorans, galactorons etc. During cooking process the polysacchrrinic compounds are hydrolysised and degraded into saccharine acids. For neutralization of these organic acids another portion of alkaline is consumed. In this way hemicelluloses dissolved into the pulping liquor. During kraft pulping process about 50% of hemicelluloses and 10% of celluloses are dissolved.

In the cooking reaction Most of the extractives, fat, resins are converted into soap and dissolved in the cooking liquor. This are generally floated of from the black liquor in the evaporation area and can be processed to make tall oil.

In this process many unwanted gas are produced that are non dissolvable in the black liquor such as CH3SH, CH3SCH3, CH3S2CH3 etc. sometimes these unwanted gas should be released. Again, others countable by-products are turpentine and methanol.

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